Saturday 8 January 2011


The following questionnaire is a study that I am undertaking for my media coursework, to see what people would want in a music magazine. Please tick the appropriate option.
1.       What is your age?
o   16
o   17
o   18
o   19
2.       What gender are you?
o   Male
o   Female
3.       What price should a music magazine be?  
o   £1.00
o   £1.50
o   £2.00
4.       Do you think a music magazine should have information about alternative things aswell as music?
o  yes
o  no 
5.       How often would you like to see new editions of a music magazine magazine?
o   Once a week
o   Once a month  
o   Once a year
6.       What do you like magazines to have more of?
o   Pictures
o   Text  
o   Mixture of both
7.       What colour scheme should the music magazine have?
o   Orange and silver
o   Blue and black
o   Red and black
o   Green and black 
o   Other (please specify) __________________
8.       What genre of music do you prefer?
o   rock
o   pop
o   hip hop
o   Other (please specify) __________________
9.       Do you think the music magazine should contain freebies and additional content?
o   Yes
o   No
10.    What genre should the music magazine be?
o   Urban
o   Gothic
o   Preppy
o   Other (please specify) ___________________
11.   Do you think the music magazine should contain advertising?
o   Yes
o   No
12.   Where do you usually read magazines?
o   At home
o   At school
o   On the bus
o   Other (please specify) ____________________
Thank you for your time, your opinion is appreciated.

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