Tuesday 4 January 2011


This is a reader’s profile of NME magazine and it is of a similar genre to the music magazine I intend to produce. The NME magazines readers consist of 69% men and 31% women whom average out to 24 years of age. This supports the majority of sponsors they have as they will mainly appeal to men. E.g. Larger, Cars, Games consoles and jack Daniels (bourbon)  
NME also found that 94% of their readers use the internet which will encourage them to advertise online. Also they found that their readers spend £152 on footwear per year, £532 on clothes per year and £1229 on audio equipment per year.
All of this information tells me that I would need to target my magazine at an audience of 16 – 24 years of age and include information on the latest fashion trends, latest music and maybe competitions to win electronic items.

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