Monday 22 November 2010



These are the results from my questionnaire and they show me that in order to make a more effective college magazine I would need to make the magazine free, more entertaining than educational, have a mixture of text and pictures and contain freebies, additional content and advertising. 
The results from my questionnaire also tell me that a purple and white colour scheme representing Christ the king’s colours would go down well with my target audience (the Christ the King students).

Tuesday 16 November 2010


The following questionnaire is a study that I am undertaking for my media coursework, to see what people would want in a college magazine. Please tick the appropriate option.
1.       What is your age?
o   16
o   17
o   18
o   19
2.       What gender are you?
o   Male
o   Female
3.       Do you think a college magazine should be free?
o   Yes
o   No 
If you answered no what should the price be?
o   50p
o   £1.00
o   £1.50
o   £2.00
4.       Which of the two should a college magazine be?
o   More Educational / Informative
o   More Entertaining
5.       How often would you like to see the college magazine?
o   Once a week
o   Once a month
o   Once a term
o   Once a year
6.       What do you like magazines to have more of?
o   Pictures
o   Text  
o   Mixture of both
7.       What colour scheme should the college magazine have?
o   Orange and silver
o   Blue and black
o   Red and black
o   Purple and white 
o   Other (please specify) __________________
8.       What types of magazines do you read?
o   Music
o   Sports
o   Showbiz
o   Other (please specify) __________________
9.       Do you think the college magazine should contain freebies and additional content?
o   Yes
o   No
10.    What genre should the college magazine be?
o   Urban
o   Gothic
o   Preppy
o   Other (please specify) ___________________
11.   Do you think the college magazine should contain advertising?
o   Yes
o   No
12.   Where do you usually read magazines?
o   At home
o   At school
o   On the bus
o   Other (please specify) ____________________
Thank you for your time, your opinion is appreciated.



DENOTATION – The denotation of this magazine cover consists of a contrasting photograph of a black man dressed in all white. The man in the photograph has a scar on his left cheek. In the photograph, the man is striking a confident pose with his hands in his pocket. Surrounding the man is a series of cover lines. Although there is no central colour scheme, the magazine contains a lot of white/grey and orange.
CONNOTATION – The man in the photographs pose is a cool and confident one which would suggest that this magazine is for cool and confident people which is important as this magazine is targeted at the urban youth who all want to think of themselves as cool and confident. In addition the title of ‘college lifestyle’ indicates that this magazine is aimed at college students. The scar on the models face gives the impression that he has gone through hard times in his life.  The white on the magazine cover and on the man also gives the impression of purity and in some cultures wealth.
MISE-EN-SCENE (COSTUME) – A white long sleeve shirt, a white belt with a silver buckle and a pair of white trousers. The costume could be seen as extravagant because white is not usually worn from head to toe like this. The costume also could define the man in the photographs wealth as white is seen as a rich mans colour in some cultures.  
MISE-EN-SCENE (SETTING) – The setting is a white sheet background; maybe in a studio. The white background creates the effect of a calm, serine paradise similar to a haven.
MISE-EN-SCENE (LIGHTING) – The magazine cover is shadowy and has low key lighting shining on the left side of the model.
MISE-EN-SCENE (NVC) – The models pose and facial expression non-verbally communicates coolness and confidence which promotes the look and the design of the whole magazine.


Hello, my name is Cyprian Boateng and I am studying AS media and in this blog will contain my preliminary task which is to design a college magazine and my main task which is to produce a music magazine